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Xu Bin

NameXu Bin

Technical postM.Sc & PhD.supervisor

AddressRoom213, School of Food & Biological Engineering



Ph.D.     Food Science       2011   Jiangsu   University
  M.S.    Food Science       2005     Jiangsu University
  B.S.     Grain Science and Engineering 1990   Jiangnan   University

Professional   Experience

2015-now     Professor, School of Food & Biological Engineering, Jiangsu   University
  2009-2015   Associate Professor, School of Food & Biological   Engineering, Jiangsu University
  2013-2014  Visiting Scholar, Department of Grain Science and Industry,   Kansas State University(USA)
  2005-2009   Lecturer, School of Biological & Environmental   Engineering, Jiangsu University
  1990-2001   Plant Superintendent, Zhenjiang Flour Plant

Scientific Research Field

Mainly engaged   in grain science and nutrition research, including: basic theory and   application of Asian noodles processing; whole grain (wheat, oats, buckwheat,   barley) processing technology; carbohydrate nutrition and metabolism.

Social academic post and honor

1. Director,   Chinese Cereals and Oil Association
  2. Deputy Secretary General, Noodles Products Branch of Chinese Cereals and   Oil Association;
  3. Deputy Secretary General, Food Branch of Chinese Cereals and Oil   Association.

Teaching Courses

1. Food Plant   Design for undergraduate students
  2. Food Nutrition and Safety for master students

Published   papers

1. Sun, J.,   Shi, J., Mu, Y., Zhou, S., Chen, Z., & Xu, B.* (2018). Subcritical butane   extraction of oil and minor bioactive components from soybean germ:   Determination of migration patterns and a kinetic model. Journal of Food   Process Engineering, e12697.
  2. Xu, B.*, Mense, A., Ambrose, K., Graybosch, R., & Shi, Y. C. (2018).   Milling performance of waxy wheat and wild-type wheat using two laboratory   milling methods. Cereal Chemistry.
  3. Chen, Z., Li, Y., Wang, L., 投注平台, S., Wang, K., Sun, J., & Xu, B.*   (2017). Evaluation of the possible non-thermal effect of microwave radiation   on the inactivation of wheat germ lipase. Journal of Food Process   Engineering, 40(4), e12506.
  4. Xu, B.*, Wang, L. K., Miao, W. J., Wu, Q. F., 投注平台, Y. X., & Sun, Y.,   et al. (2016). Thermal versus microwave inactivation kinetics of lipase and   lipoxygenase from wheat germ. Journal of Food Process Engineering,39(3),   247-255.
  5. Han, J. H., Wu, Q. F., Xu, B.*, Zhou, S. L., & Ding, F. (2016).   Quality characteristics of soybean germ oil obtained by innovative   subcritical butane experimental equipment. Quality Assurance and Safety of   Crops & Foods, 8(3), 369-377.
  6. Xu, B.*, Han, J., Zhou, S., Wu, Q., & Ding, F. (2016). Quality   characteristics of wheat germ oil obtained by innovative subcritical butane   experimental equipment. Journal of Food Process Engineering,39(1), 79-87.
  7. Li, B., Chen, H., Sun, D., Deng, B., Xu, B.*, & Dong, Y., et al.   (2016). Effect of flameless catalytic infrared treatment on rancidity and   bioactive compounds in wheat germ oil. Rsc Advances, 6(43), 37265-37273.
  8. Xu, B.*, 投注平台, Y. X., Miao, W. J., Zhou, S. L., & Gao, C. (2014). A   modified titrimetric method for measuring the activity of wheat germ lipase.   Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 7(3), 327-334.
  9. Xu, B.*, Zhou, S. L., Miao, W. J., Gao, C., Cai, M. J., & Dong, Y. (2013).   Study on the stabilization effect of continuous microwave on wheat germ.   Journal of Food Engineering, 117(1), 1-7.
  10. Xu, B., Miao, W. J., Hu, Q. S., Gao, C., & Dong, Y.* (2013). A   modified colorimetric method for determining the activity of wheat germ   lipase in low-aqueous media. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops &   Foods, 5(2), 113-118.
  11. Xu, B., Miao, W. J., Guo, K., Hu, Q. S., Li, B., & Dong, Y. * (2012).   An improved method to characterize crude lipoxygenase extract from wheat   germ. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 4(1), 26-32.
  12. Xue D P, Xu B*, Han J H, and Dong Y, 2014. Screening of activated carbon   for zein decolorization and optimization of decolorization process. Journal   of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association. 29 (8): 11-16.
  13. Xiao X*, Xue D P, Wang Y, and Xu B, 2014. Progress in the study of   decolorization technology of zein. Food Science and Technology. 39(1):   178-182.
  14. Xue D P, Xu B*, Jiang H, Zhu Y M, and Dong Y, 2013. Study on non-thermal   effect of microwave in food processing. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food   Science and Technology. 4:143-148.
  15. Wang Z H, Xu B, 2013. Characteristics, production status and application   prospect of zein, Grain and Food Industry, 20(5):21-24.
  16. Li B, Dong Y*, and Xu B, 2012. A spectrophotometric method for   determining the activity of lipoxygenase activity in rice bran and its   enzymatic characteristics study. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science   and Technology. 9: 192-197.
  17. Xu B*, Zhou S L, Miao W J, and Dong Y, 2012. Microstructure and pasting   characteristics of wheat germ treated by microwave radiation. Transactions of   the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery. 12:151-157.
  18. Miao W J, Xu B*, Zhou S L, and Dong Y, 2012. The development of wheat   germ stabilization technology. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils   Association. 10: 123-128.
  19. Xu B, Miao W J, and Dong Y*, Li B, Xu S Y, 2012. Resource distribution   and processing quality of commercial wheat germ in China. Transactions of the   CSAE. 2:244-249.
  20. Wang H P, Xu B*, Zhou S L, and Dong Y, 2012. Soy germ efficient   separation technology. Chinese oil. 4:70-72.
  21. Xu B and Dong Y*, 2011. Present situation and trends of wheat germ   industrialization developing. Transactions of the CSAE. 12:341-345.
  22. Xu B, Li B, Miao W J, Xu S Y, and Dong Y*, 2011. Mechanism of   acidification and deterioration of wheat germ during storage. Journal of the   Chinese Cereals and Oils Association. 9:123-128.
  23. Xu B, Dong Y*, Wu Y B, Wang C Y, and Xu S Y, 2010. Technology and   equipment of stabilized storage of wheat germ by on-line multistage   fluidization drying. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural   Machinery. 1:127-131.
  24. Xu B, Dong Y*, and Wu Y B, 2009. Study on technology of stabilized   storage of wheat germ by on-line microwave processing. Transactions of the   Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery. 8:134-138.
  25. Xu B, Dong Y*, Hu Q S, Yu Y B, and 投注平台 J J, 2009. A Modified   Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Activity of Crude Lipoxygenase   from Wheat Germ. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 8: 1252.

Main Scientific Research Projects

Researching   projects:
  1. 2018.01-2021.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China: Mechanism   of Moderate removal of structural fat in oat based on subcritical fluid and   improvement cold water swelling performance of oat starch (31771900);
  2. 2018.01-2020.12, National “13th Five-Year Plan” Key R&D Program of   China: Research and demonstration of key technical equipment for moderate   processing of bulk Flour product  (2018YFD0401004);
  3. 2016.01-2020.12, National “13th Five-Year Plan” Key R&D Program of   China: Development and demonstration of moderate processing technology and   intelligent key equipment for rapeseed (2016YFD0401401);
  4. 2016.07-2020.12, National “13th Five-Year Plan” Key R&D Program of   China: Research and demonstration of processing technology of non-fermented   staple food of potato (2016YFD0401303);
  5. 2016.07-2019.06
Key R&D Program of Jiangsu Province: Key Technology   Research on Preparation of High Purity Zein and Development of Sustained   Release Coating Materials (BE2016348).
  6. 2016.06-2018.07, Key R&D Program of Jiangsu Province: Co-development   of key technologies for intelligent manufacturing of special diets for people   with glycolipid metabolism disorder (BZ2016030).

Completed   projects:
  1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): The regulation   mechanism of microwave cooperated with inorganic salts on embrane-bound   lipase from wheat germ and its lipid-water interfacial activity (31371877).   Accepted by NSFC in 2018.
  2. Specially supported program of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: The   disturbance mechanism of microwave on oil-water interface of heat resistant   membrane bound wheat germ lipase (2013T60510). Accepted in 2017.
  3. Innovation Fund Project of Henan Province: A set of experimental facility   of intelligent ultrasonic assisted sub-critical fluid extraction   (132203210271). Accepted in 2016.
  4. Innovation Fund of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Production of Zein   and Zeaxanthin from processing by-products of corn (11C26213201415), accepted   by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2014.
  5. Innovation Fund of Henan province, Natural products intelligent   subcritical fluid temperature extraction equipment (102203210083), accepted   in 2012.
  6. Cooperative Innovation Fund of Jiangsu Province--the Prospective and Joint   Research Project: Key technology research and product development of   anti-tumor function food and new food ingredients by wheat germ (BY2012172),   accepted by Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu Province in 2014   December (Ranking Second).
  7. The Transformation Project of Major Scientific and Technological   Achievements of Jiangsu Province: Development and industrialization of key   technologies of value-added and full utilization of wheat germ and bran   (BA2009111), accepted by Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu   Province in 2014 May (Ranking Third).
  8. National Natural Science Foundation of China: regulation effect of Balsam   pear on glucose and lipid and mechanism of molecular nutrition (31040061),   accepted by the National Fund Committee in 2013 (Ranking Third).
  9. Agricultural Science and Technology Supportive Program of Jiangsu   provincial government: New technology and equipment of wheat germ   stabilization and comprehensive utilization (BE2007420), accepted in 2009   (Ranking Third).


1. Xu B, Jiang   S, Zhou S L, Dong Y, Sun J. A determination method for residual solvent in   the extraction product by liquefied petroleum gas. Chinese Patent, ZL   201210551265.1. Authorized on 06-25-2014.
  2. Xu B, Dong Y, Li B, Wang H P, Miao W J. A method of using sub-critical   butane to extract high quality soybean germ oil. Chinese Patent, ZL   201110070808.3. Authorized on 03-13-2013.
  3. Xu B, Dong Y, Wang H P. A cogeneration method for soybean germ of germ   oil, oligosaccharide and protein concentrate. Chinese Patent,   ZL201110070810.0. Authorized on 03-13-2013.
  4. Xu B, Zhu X L, Dong Y, Feng J, Cai J R, Jiang S, Ren X F. A sub-critical   fluid extraction device and method for the extraction of active ingredients   in natural products. Chinese Patent, ZL 200910034263.3. Authorized on   05-30-2012.
  5. Xu B, Dong Y, Zhang X Q, Jiang S, Ren X F, Zhou X X. A method and   equipment for wheat bran drying by stream-line combine microwave. Chinese   Patent, ZL 200910033456.7. Authorized on 08-08-2012.
  6. Sun J, Xu B, Dong Y, Jiang S, Gao Z, Egg yolk lecithin, cephalin, egg yolk   oil and low denatured protein powder generation method. Chinese Patent,   ZL201210330592.4. Authorized on 12-04-2014.
  7. Dong Y, Xu B, Chen G P, Qian Y, Zhang H H, Cui H L. An on-line enzyme   inactivation devices for wheat germ by microwave. Chinese Patent,   ZL201110033322.2. Authorized on 12-19-2012.
  8. Dong Y, Xu B, Jing P, Cui H L, Shao Y L, Yang J. Anti-oxidation   polypeptide composition of sesame and its production method. Chinese Patent,   ZL 200810243669.8. Authorized on 07-06-2011.
  9. Dong Y, Xu C F, Xu B, Zha Q, Zhang H Y. A preparation method of   high-purity α-zein. Chinese Patent, ZL 200610086010.7. Authorized on   12-23-2009.

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

1. The 2nd   prize in Award for Science and Technology Progress, awarded by Henan   provincial government, 2013.
  2. The 2nd prize in Award for Science and Technology Progress, awarded by Chinese   Cereals and Oils Association, 2012.
  3. The 1st prize in Award for Science and Technology Progress, Awarded by   Anyang city government, 2013.

Number of   postgraduates under supervision:


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates

The above   information updated


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