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Prof. Raffaello Castoria from University of Molise Visited Jiangsu University

Edit: Time: 2014-10-23 Hits:

On Oct. 22, Prof. Raffaello Castoria from University of Molise visited Jiangsu University. Prof. Castoria delivered an academic lecture named The Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences at the University of Molise: an Example of Food Science Education and Research in Italy. Prof. Huang Xingyi, vice dean of School of Food and Biological Engineering, and some faculty members and students of the school attended the lecture.

Introduction to Prof. Raffaello Castoria,

Raffaello Castoria, Professor and Senior Researcher (Leading Scientist, Principal Investigator), Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences, University of Molise, IT. He received his Ph.D. from University of Rome “La Sapienza” and University of Perugia in Biotechnology of Fungi (Doctoral thesis “Molecular basis of fungal elicitor-mediated induction of defense responses in plant cells”). His research focus is on study of the mechanisms of action of yeasts acting as biocontrol agents of postharvest fungal pathogens of horticultural and fruit crops, the optimisation of the activity of these agents, the prevention, monitoring and detoxification of the mycotoxins Ochratoxin A in wine-grapes and wine, and Patulin in pome fruits and pome fruit-based juices, also through the identification and use of yeast gene(s) involved in the detoxification process.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)

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