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Yunyun Gong from University of Leeds Visited JU

Edit: 王书彦 Time: 2018-07-07 Hits:

On Jul.4, Dr. Yunyun Gong from School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, visited Jiangsu University. Dr. Yunyun Gong delivered an academic lecture named Measuring aflatoxin exposure in six African countries. Prof. Zou Xiaobo, Dean of School of Food and Biological Engineering, hosted the lecture and introduced Dr. Yunyun Gong. Some faculty members and Foreign –Sino students of the school attended the lecture.

Dr Yun Yun Gong is an associate professor in international food safety in the University of Leeds. She has a PhD degree in Food toxicology and started her research career at the University of Leeds in 2000. She has a strong research interest on dietary exposure to toxic chemicals (especially mycotoxins) and their impact on human health outcomes e.g. child stunting, cancer and reproductive health. More recently this is expanded to the detection and prevention of food born toxins exposure in high risk populations. Her other research interests include understanding the relationship between diet and cancer, and conducting food safety risk assessment at a global perspective. She collaborates with multi-disciplinary expertise from agriculture, plant science, health science and food safety policy makers. Her research was funded by the Bill and Gates Melinda Foundation, the Royal Society UK, the NIEHS in the US, etc. Dr Gong was a Scientific Visitor at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2013 and a working group member evaluating aflatoxin and human health for the WHO/IARC. She is a working group member for the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and an advisory role in China National Center for Food Safety and Risk Assessment (CFSA) on mycotoxin risk assessment.

(School of Food and Biological Engineering)


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