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Zou Enlai, One of the Founders of Communist Party in China

Edit: 姜宇 Time: 2021-04-17 Hits:

Students and post-doctorate foreigners ofSchool of Food andBiologicalEngineering (FBE) were invited at 3:00pm, in April 16th, to a lecture held in the hall ofWenhua building for the purpose of presenting the evolution of the Communist Party delivered by Professor Zou Xiaobo, the dean of school of FBES.

Professor Zou Xiaobo, started his lecture aboutZhou Enlai biography, the first premier of the People's Republic of China (PRC) which is one of China's most respected leaders and one of the founders of communist movement. Later, Professor Zou presented Zhou Enlai’s wife accomplishments.

On October 1, 1949, the founding day of the people's Republic of China, Zhou Enlai was appointed as prime minister and minister of foreign’ s affair. He served for nine years until his death in 1976. He has been the real patron of China's diplomacy. Hewas born in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province on March 5, 1898. After graduating from Nankai school in Tianjin in 1917, he went to study in Japan and began to contact with Marxism, which led to an important ideological turn. In 1919, During the May 4th movement, he became the leader of Tianjin's student community in China and organized the progressive group awakening society together with other activists in the movement. In 1920, he went to work study in Europe. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1921, which strengthened his belief in communism. In 1924 and served as director of the Political Department of Huangpu Military Academy, director of the Political Department of the first army of the National Revolutionary Army and deputy party representative of the first army during the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China. In 1925, he married Deng Yingchao, a student activist in Tianjin. She later became an important member of the Chinese Communist Party. The couple had no children, but adopted several orphans

Zhou Enlai headed the Chinese delegation to attend the Geneva Conference held in April 1954 and held talks with parties concerned in the spirit of seeking truth from facts, the tactics of building international united front, and the five principles of peaceful coexistence, to solve the issue of the Indo-China; Headed the Chinese delegation to attend the Asian-African Conference held in April 1955, further expounded the five principles of peaceful coexistence, put forward the guidelines of seeking common ground while shelving differences, participated in the drafting the ten principles of the Bandung Conference, and extensively made friends with newly-independent Asian and African countries;At the first session of the Fourth National People's Congress in 1975, on behalf of the Communist Party of China, he put forward again the goal of realizing the modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology in China, which encouraged the people's confidence in overcoming difficulties. He died in Beijing on January 8, 1976.

Deng Yingchao(1904- 1992), Zou enlai’s wife, was a politician, a revolutionary hard-liner who became a high-ranking official of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after the death of her husband, in 1976. She was a powerful force on her own, promoting the careers of younger party members and leading a drive to expand women's rights.

Overall, the students and postdoctoral overseas were delighted by the presentation of the dean ofFBE. It was a detailed presentation that explained the origin of the fast economical and agricultural progress of China.

(School of Food andBiologicalEngineering:Hafida Wahia)

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